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Fast Facts

Fast Facts
Grades: Pre-K through 8th Grade
Enrollment: 241 Students as of August 2023
Established: 2002

Who We Are

Who We Are
Saint John Paul II Catholic School is a traditional Catholic school faithful to the teaching magisterium of the Church. We provide a quality education instilling moral and intellectual virtues in a safe, nurturing environment for students in preschool through eighth grade.

We foster the development of the whole child and provide an education integrating academic instruction in the message of Jesus, Catholic doctrine, values, moral standards, and attitudes. On this foundation, students will build the moral, spiritual, and intellectual character necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities they will face in a complex world.

We Believe

We Believe...
God is the beginning and end of human existence. The belief that God is the source and end of human existence is the fundamental rule framing the grammar of Catholic schooling.

Education is essentially a moral endeavor. In this moral context, being an educator denotes participating in a pastoral ministry; that is, devoting one's life and using one's God-given talents to shape not only the minds, but more importantly, the hearts of the youth who have been entrusted by parents to the teacher's care.

Parents bear primary responsibility for their child's education. The duties and rights of parents in the education of youth are primarily a moral obligation, which binds parents to educate their children in the knowledge of religion and good habits as well as piety toward God.

The subject is the student. The unique, individual human being is the proper focus of all curriculum and instruction.

Teaching is an intimate communication between souls. It is the intimate communication between two souls that stimulates the student to see and to experience, through the teacher's words, acts, and affect, the incarnation of God's love active in the student's own life.

Jacobs, Richard M. 1977. The Grammar of Catholic Schooling. NCEA. Washington DC, USA.

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